Friday, September 4, 2020

The Best Do Dentist Still Use Gold Crowns 2023

WHAT IS THE VALUE OF YOUR DENTAL GOLD? by Stewart Gillham Medium from

Are you curious about whether dentists still use gold crowns? Well, you're not alone. Many people wonder if this traditional dental treatment is still in use today. In this article, we will explore the topic of gold crowns and whether or not dentists still use them in today's modern dental practices. So, let's dive in and find out!

Pain Points of Gold Crowns

When it comes to dental treatments, one of the pain points that patients often experience is the fear of the unknown. They may have heard stories or myths about gold crowns and are unsure if they are a viable option for their dental needs. Additionally, some patients may be concerned about the cost or the appearance of gold crowns, which can affect their decision-making process.

Do Dentists Still Use Gold Crowns?

The answer is yes, dentists still use gold crowns in certain cases. While there are now more advanced materials available for dental restorations, gold crowns are still considered a reliable and durable option. Dentists may recommend gold crowns for patients who have specific dental needs, such as those with strong biting forces or who grind their teeth. Gold crowns can provide long-lasting support and protection for these individuals.

Summary of Gold Crowns

In summary, gold crowns are still used by dentists in certain cases. While there are newer materials available, gold crowns remain a viable option for patients with specific dental needs. They are known for their durability and strength, making them a reliable choice for those who require long-lasting dental restorations.

Personal Experience with Gold Crowns

As a dental professional, I have seen firsthand the benefits of gold crowns for certain patients. One patient in particular had a history of grinding their teeth, which caused significant wear on their natural teeth. After discussing their options, we decided that a gold crown would be the best choice for them due to its strength and durability. The patient was extremely satisfied with the results and felt confident in their smile once again.

Gold crowns are also known for their biocompatibility, meaning they are unlikely to cause any adverse reactions or allergies in patients. This can be a significant advantage for individuals who may be sensitive to other dental materials.

What Are Gold Crowns?

Gold crowns are dental restorations that are made entirely or partially of gold. They are custom-made to fit over a damaged or decayed tooth, providing strength, protection, and a natural-looking appearance. Gold crowns have been used in dentistry for many years and are known for their longevity and durability.

Gold crowns are typically made using a combination of gold and other metals, such as silver or platinum, to enhance their strength and durability. They can be fabricated in a dental laboratory or created using advanced CAD/CAM technology.

History and Myth of Gold Crowns

Gold crowns have a long history in dentistry, dating back to ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, gold was used to restore decayed teeth and was considered a symbol of wealth and status. Throughout history, gold crowns have been associated with royalty and the elite.

Over time, gold crowns have also become the subject of myths and misconceptions. Some people believe that gold crowns are only for the wealthy or that they are outdated in today's modern dental practices. However, as we have discussed, gold crowns are still used by dentists today and offer unique benefits for certain patients.

The Hidden Secret of Gold Crowns

One of the hidden secrets of gold crowns is their ability to provide a precise fit. Due to the malleability of gold, it can be shaped and contoured to match the exact dimensions of a patient's tooth. This ensures a comfortable and secure fit, reducing the risk of complications or discomfort.

Additionally, gold crowns have a unique ability to withstand the forces of biting and chewing. They are less likely to fracture or chip compared to other dental materials, making them an excellent choice for individuals with strong biting forces or those who grind their teeth.

Recommendation for Gold Crowns

If you are considering dental restorations and have specific dental needs, it is worth discussing gold crowns with your dentist. They can assess your individual situation and determine if gold crowns are a suitable option for you. Remember, every patient is unique, and what works for one person may not be the best choice for another.

Exploring the Benefits of Gold Crowns

Gold crowns offer several benefits that make them a valuable option for certain patients. These include:

  • Durability and longevity
  • Bio-compatibility
  • Precision fit
  • Resistance to fracture or chipping
  • Natural-looking appearance

These benefits make gold crowns an excellent choice for individuals who require long-lasting dental restorations that can withstand the forces of chewing and provide optimal protection for their teeth.

Tips for Gold Crowns

If you decide to proceed with gold crowns, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups to ensure the health of your gold crowns.
  • Avoid biting or chewing on hard objects, as this can damage your crowns.
  • Notify your dentist if you experience any discomfort or changes in your bite.

Following these tips can help prolong the lifespan of your gold crowns and ensure optimal oral health.

FAQs about Gold Crowns

  1. Q: Are gold crowns more expensive than other dental restorations?
  2. A: Gold crowns can be more expensive compared to other materials due to the cost of gold. However, their durability and longevity can make them a cost-effective option in the long run.

  3. Q: How long do gold crowns last?
  4. A: Gold crowns can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Some individuals have reported their gold crowns lasting for over 20 years.

  5. Q: Can gold crowns be used on front teeth?
  6. A: Gold crowns are typically used on back teeth due to their strength and durability. However, in certain cases, they can be used on front teeth for aesthetic purposes.

  7. Q: Do gold crowns require any special care?
  8. A: Gold crowns require the same care as natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential for maintaining the health of your gold crowns.

Conclusion of Gold Crowns

In conclusion, gold crowns are still used by dentists today for specific dental needs. They offer durability, strength, and a natural-looking appearance. While there are other materials available for dental restorations, gold crowns remain a reliable option for individuals who require long-lasting dental solutions. If you are considering gold crowns, it is best to consult with your dentist to determine if they are a suitable choice for you.

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